I find myself home this Saturday afternoon, writing this blog and not playing darts as I expected. Why am I home and not chucking arrows in the Parksville Legion? Seems that only three local players decided to come out and support their dart league by entering the Money Shoot. THREE, and two of us are on the Executive. That is an embarrassingly low number of District 69 Dart Association members who give a sh*t about generating revenue for the League. The fourth person drove up from Cobble Hill today to come play in our Money Shoot, and I had to tell him it was not happening. I need to ask everyone who is reading this, where were you today? When it comes to the end of the season and we are eating take-out Chinese in someone’s basement rec room as our ‘banquet’, will whatever you were doing today instead still seem more important?
I suppose since we had a $5 increase in membership this year, you might think that should cover all the added expenses of trophy engraving, scoresheets, website, Turkey Shoot, Fun Shoot, and finally, the banquet. It doesn’t. So, in an attempt to create some additional revenue, the Executive puts on money shoots, and then no one shows up.
Our next effort will be coupon books, offered for sale for $20 to the purchaser, with $10 per sale going to the league. The Executive and Captains will be meeting next Wednesday to discuss and distribute the coupon books to each team. While some of us are not natural salesman, we all have friends, and maybe even family, we could approach. If everyone in the league bought just one for themselves, we would have $600 in the bank right off the hop, imagine how much we could generate if we sold two or three to friends and family?
Before you blow off this fundraising project, think about what kind of banquet you want to attend at the end of the season. Venues cost money, catering costs money, trophies and engraving cost money. Or, maybe you’d rather have a wienie roast at the Community Park on a sunny day in May? Unless the park charges a fee (which we can't afford), that it currently our budget for the end of this season. Your Executive is working hard to keep this league soluble, show your support and show up.
I’m just really disappointed by what happened today. If you have a better idea for generating additional income, please bring it to our attention. Bottle drive? Car wash? Raffle? Betting on the weekly matches, just kidding, we can NOT do that.
‘K, rant over. Disappointment aside, I was really looking forward to getting together and playing a game I love – even though I often suck at it – and sharing a few laughs and ‘cheers’ with people I spend my time with each week.