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Fun Shoot Shenanigans!

Writer's picture: Jolene SwansonJolene Swanson

For those that didn’t make it to the hottest ticket in D69 darts this season, here’s the low-down on the 2025 Fun Shoot held Tuesday, January 7th at the Parksville Legion.

Due to the holidays being in mid-week, getting the Executive together to plan the annual Fun Shoot didn’t take place until the weekend beforehand.  With no time to plan and shop for door prizes and the like, it was decided that a Money Shoot was the way to go!  The Executive launched an advertising blitz and hoped for the best. 

We needn’t have worried; I started getting texts mere minutes after 6pm from players at the venue because there were already 17 people there waiting to sign up.  So many people showed up that members were flipping coins for the final spot on the 24-player roster.  The players who didn’t make the cut hung around and helped with chalking, thank you so much for that!

Teams were matched based on their personal stats, given a number and then placement on the roster was by blind draw.  This gives the same advantage to everyone because the top players in the league are sprinkled throughout the starting lineup.

Play began at 7pm, and a couple of rounds in, a glitch in the matrix was discovered.  A short break for ten teams while two teams played their missed games, got the schedule back on track.  Just after 10pm the final match was played, with first and second place set, and a play off for third. 

First place, winning $25 each, was Heath Mahoney and John Coulter of the Eagles Hall Eagle Eyes.  These two gentlemen are mid-range players in the league with identical stats of 51%. 

Second place, winning $15 each, was Darrell Jobb and George Wallis of the Bristle Bashers and Shooters respectively.  Again, these gentlemen have 53% and 47% win ratios, but managed to keep ahead of all but one team.  

Victorious in the rubber match, Peter Bisiker (70%) and Sue Barry (36%) defeated Tom Ayley (67%) and Darren Tabler (36%) to win third place, with a prize of $10 each. 

Topping the scores for the men, Darrell Jobb pinned a 165 early in the evening, pictured above, setting the bar high for all the other men to hurdle over, none did and he pocketed the $5.00 prize.  Drilling in a 101, Morningstar Triple’s Denise Tabler inched past her nearest competitor, Lorraine Paquette, who was erroneously awarded the Ladies High Score and the $5.00, with a 98.  This has been acknowledged and will be rectified asap. Larry MacDonald wrote down the Men’s High out of 56 to win himself the $5.00 prize.  Sue Barry landed a 67 out to get an additional $5.00 in prize money.

This tournament was 100% payout, meaning no funds were raised for the league.  However, a 50/50 draw netted $55 for the lucky Kevin Gillingham of the Legion Dart Legends and $55 for the league.  We look for more ways to increase the coffers, if you have an easy fundraising idea, please bring it to the Executives attention.  Banquets and trophies aren’t cheap, we need all the cash we can muster.

This was indeed a fun tournament, much like the Turkey Shoot at Christmas, with plenty in attendance to increase the FUN!  These tournaments were played with the same format, and results show that anybody can win it with the ranked doubles plus blind draw format.  This is how the Money Shoots will be run as well, hopefully we can get a similar turnout to our next fundraising Money Shoot in February.   Stay tuned, keep your points sharp and your flights tight!

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